Holy Family University Honors Three with 2022 Alumni Achievement Award

Holy Family University


十大网络彩票平台大全校友会很高兴地宣布2022年校友成就奖的获得者: Father Wayne E. Killian ’73 (posthumous), James Dever Bennett, Esq. ’82, and Edward Gallagher III M’10, Ed.D.
校友成就奖旨在表彰在以下一个或多个领域取得杰出成就的杰出毕业生, community volunteer service, and humanitarian efforts. Through these accomplishments, these alumni bring recognition to themselves and Holy Family University. The recipients will be honored during le diner en bleu gala at Alumni Reunion 2022 on Saturday, June 4.

“我们为三位校友成就奖得主感到非常自豪,因为他们为支持十大网络彩票平台大全及其社区所做的一切,” said Anne M. Prisco, Ph.D., President of Holy Family University. “Father Wayne, Jim, and Ed exemplify what Holy Family is all about -- dedication, a passion for educational
excellence, and a commitment to the service of our communities. 我们期待在2022年校友聚会上表彰这些杰出的个人.”

2022 Alumni Achievement Awards Recipients

Alumni Achievement Award Winners (by class year)

•    Father Wayne E. Killian ’73 (posthumous award)
•    James Dever Bennett, Esq. ’82
•    Edward Gallagher III M’10, Ed.D.

Father Wayne Killian '73

Father Wayne Killian ’73 was the first male ever accepted to attend Holy Family. 在学校里,韦恩是一个非常投入的学生,是所有人的朋友. Alongside (now Reverend) Michael Iski and Michael Sicilia, Wayne was in the first class of male graduates in 1973. 

After graduation, 基利安神父拥有维拉诺瓦大学和德萨莱斯大学的硕士学位. 他曾就读于圣母无原罪神学院(北安普顿),在那里他获得了神学硕士学位. 1984年5月12日,他被任命为圣职. 威尔士人,艾伦镇主教,在锡耶纳圣凯瑟琳大教堂,艾伦镇. 

During his ministry, Father Killian served Notre Dame High School (Easton), Pius X High School (Bangor), Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary High School (Pottsville), Lehigh University Newman Center (Bethlehem), and Moravian College (Bethlehem). 他还曾担任教区校园部主任和伯利恒圣灵教区牧师. 

他对自己的爱尔兰血统非常自豪,并献身于圣母圣. Francis De Sales, and St. Jane De Chantal. Outside of church, 基利安神父是一位伟大的厨师,以他壮观的餐桌布置而闻名, floral design, and hospitality. Father Killian retired in February of 2015 and passed away on Monday, July 20, 2020, at the age of 74. He served the Lord for over 35 years. 

Rev. Michael Iski ’73 will accept this award on Father Killian’s behalf.


James Dever Bennett, Esq. ’82

James Dever Bennett, Esq. ’82 在进入维拉诺瓦大学法学院之前,他在圣家族大学获得了英语学士学位, where he received his JD. After stints in private practice, Jim joined Systems & 计算机技术公司(“SCT”)作为他们的第二位内部律师. Through a series of acquisitions involving the former SCT, Jim was an integral part of the formation of Ellucian, 为高校提供管理软件及相关服务的全球领先供应商. 作为业务整合团队的一员,Jim领导法律业务,负责在复杂的公司结构中合并两项业务,这是由税务和财务因素驱动的. 他与高管同事密切合作,为合并后的实体制定和实施业务计划, 包括为新组织建立整合和业务计划. Today, he serves as the company’s Sr. Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary. The company’s success led to subsequent investors acquiring Ellucian, most recently in September 2021, 当时,全球最大的私募股权公司黑石集团(Blackstone)和最大的技术型私募股权公司Vista联手收购了这家公司. 

作为一名鹰级童子军,吉姆在切斯特县第78部队担任助理领队. 在他担任该部队野营主席期间,他两次组织该部队前往瑞士的坎德斯泰格国际童军中心. 他也是Chester County Council Executive Board的副总裁. 

他是神圣家族总统咨询委员会的第一任主席,自2020年以来一直是大学董事会的成员. 他在董事会执行委员会和学术委员会任职,并担任发展委员会主席. 自该活动成立以来,吉姆一直是该大学老虎学生奖学金筹款委员会的成员, serving as co-chair for the annual event twice. 他是2020年成为老虎的伟大日子和2020届毕业典礼的特邀演讲者. In 2017, 吉姆带领一群同事去巴吞鲁日传教,帮助路易斯安那州飓风的灾民, and in 2020, he joined a mission trip with St. 大卫的圣公会教堂到古巴为该国中部的几个当地社区安装净水系统.

On a personal level, Jim and his wife, Kim, enjoy hiking and skiing. In the summer of 2022, 吉姆计划参加400多英里的得梅因注册年度伟大自行车骑行穿越爱荷华州. 


Edward Gallagher III M’10, Ed.D

Edward Gallagher III M’10, Ed.D. 出生在费城肯辛顿区,由单身母亲和两个姐姐抚养长大. 教育的重要性是如此强烈,以至于艾德的母亲做出了一个艰难的决定,让他进入吉拉德学院, a preparatory five-day boarding school, as a ten-year-old entering 5th-grade. At Girard, Ed developed meaningful, lifelong relationships with teachers and mentors, inspiring him to become an educator. 

Ed继续在天普大学获得学士学位,并回到吉拉德学院工作了10多年. He served in many different roles including teacher, coach, academic coordinator, dean, and assistant head of the Upper School. 他获得了Holy Family的教育领导和学习硕士学位,以及宾夕法尼亚大学的教育领导博士学位. 

Ed于2014年离开吉拉德学院,但仍担任校友会副主席. In this role, 他能够继续为吉拉德大学的“兄弟姐妹们”提供奖学金和学生项目. At AIM Academy (Conshohocken), Ed曾担任中学校长和临时校长(他在大流行期间担任这一职位)。. As of July 1, Ed, his wife Rachel, and young son Edward IV will be moving to Wilmington, 艾德将担任威尔明顿朋友学校的新任副校长.